03 Disk Space and User Quotas

As you may be aware, we are experiencing constant disk space shortage on zeus HPC. To address this issue, the disk quotas have been introduced for user home folders. Each user is can be entitled (if space permitting) to 200 Gb of disk space. You can exceed this amount up to 1Tb for up to 7 days (grace period). After that you may no longer add files to your home folder until you clean it below original 200Gb threshold.
Remember that you should not use the HPC disk space for storing your files, please store only the files which are necessary for currently running jobs and/or post processing results etc..

For storing temporary files, job results and even submitting new jobs you can use fast scratch space here /beegfs/users/yourHPCusername

This space has no quota, but it is not backed up, so it should be only used for current jobs and projects, not for storing data!


You can look check how much your home folder is consuming here: http://zeus.coventry.ac.uk/space.php quotas’ status and disk usage are updated hourly.

What if I’m above the quota, but I still need my files and have no means to offload them from HPC?

At the moment we are regularly backing up the content of all /home/ folders onto external network drive (NAS drive). If you need to keep your files, which are currently in your home folder and are above the user quota and you have no means to store them anywhere else, please let me know (email me: aa3025@coventry.ac.uk) and I can disable backing up your home folder on zeus HPC. This way you will have bulk of your files already stored on the backup drive and can delete them from your zeus home folder, leaving only the files which are necessary for currently running jobs. When you delete the files from your home folder on Zeus, they will be automatically (with some delay of 1 day or so) deleted from the backup drive. So if you need to keep them, please let me know for disabling overwriting of the backup copy.

Then you can be given an access to backup drive to retrieve your files when needed.

Best Regards,
Alex Pedcenko

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